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Saturday, March 7, 2020

Read Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques Now

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Date : 1999-11-13

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Rating : 3.5

Reviews : 14

Category : Book

Reads or Downloads Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques Now


Efficient C Performance Programming ~ Bulka and Mayhews Efficient C is an enjoyable and useful book filled with helpful information that can be immediately applied to C programming Its coverage of techniques for inlining achieving the return value optimization and avoiding temporary object creation is quite good

Efficient C Performance Programming Techniques Book ~ Far too many programmers and software designers consider efficient C to be an oxymoron They regard C as inherently slow and inappropriate for performancecritical applications Consequently C has had little … Selection from Efficient C Performance Programming Techniques Book

Efficient C Performance Programming Techniques by Dov Bulka ~ Far too many programmers and software designers consider efficient C to be an oxymoron They regard C as inherently slow and inappropriate for performancecritical applications Consequently C has had little success penetrating domains such as networking operating system kernels device drivers and others Efficient C explodes that myth

Efficient C Performance Programming Techniques ~ Compiler Optimization There are quite a few important optimizations that a decent compiler can apply on your behalf without requiring any source code intervention on your part The first optimization … Selection from Efficient C Performance Programming Techniques Book

Efficient C Performance Programming Techniques ~ Chapter 5 Temporaries In the large collection of performance issues not all issues are of equal weight The significance of a performance item is directly proportional to its cost and … Selection from Efficient C Performance Programming Techniques Book

Efficient C performance programming techniques – Dov ~ Efficient C performance programming techniques Dov Bulka David Mayhew PDF EN 1999

Efficient C Performance Programming Techniques Dov ~ Written by two authors with firsthand experience wringing the last ounce of performance from commercial C applications this book demonstrates the potential of C to produce highly efficient programs The book reveals practical everyday objectoriented design principles and C coding techniques that can yield large performance improvements

Efficient C Performance Programming Techniques InformIT ~ Far too many programmers and software designers consider efficient C to be an oxymoron They regard C as inherently slow and inappropriate for performancecritical applications Consequently C has had little success penetrating domains such as networking operating system kernels device drivers and others Efficient C explodes that myth

Efficient C performance programming techniques in ~ Stanford Libraries official online search tool for books media journals databases government documents and more

Efficient C 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所 ~ Efficient C explodes that myth Written by two authors with firsthand experience wringing the last ounce of performance from commercial C applications this book demonstrates the potential of C to produce highly efficient programs The book reveals practical everyday objectoriented design principles and C coding techniques that can

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